Friday, October 30, 2009

Tonight I got back to my appartment and was welcomed by the discovery that my to do list was completely checked off. So I've decided to use my spare time to blog. First I'll give you a heads up what to expect from me.

I don't know how often I'm gonna be able to post, but when I do I'll pretty much be saying whatever is on my mind at the time. So you might hear how my day went, or what I'm learning in class. I could talk about friendships or share some funny stories. Me being me, there will inevitably be some of my thoughts on theology and how God is active in my life. If I can work up the nerve I might even post some of my poetry. Which not too many people know that I write, but I do. I also don;t care much for grammar or spell check, so if you care a lot about either of those, sorry.

So what to talk about today? I'll start with a quick run through of whats going on. For the last four weeks I've been in a sort of a funk. There is not single reason why, just a long compilation of what would normally be mundane events. Classes have not been teaching me much, preaching being the exception. I have been swamped with homework that doesn't seem to enhance my education, and have forgotten what it feels like to get enough sleep two days in a row. All that being said, life is good.

A couple of old dreams were recently remembered, and it seems as though they may now be obtainable in the not too distant future. The 1st and grander of the two originated in my childhood imaganeerings. The house I was raised in had some woods behind which served as the play and battle ground for my siblings and I. When I was the only one out playing I would take myselft anywhere I wanted to go. Medieval Briton, Normandy on D-Day, or Little Round Top during the Battle Of Gettysburg. Yes all where battlefields, but I'm a boy. So what did you expect? Age forced me to eventually grow up and quit conquering the world in my back yard, but the desire to travel it has never left me. Always being present in the back of my mind, being rediscovered every time I travel or hear stories of someone who is. The other is to write. Doesn't really matter what for, so long as I get to remind myself what it feels like to see thoughts on paper, or as is the case with blogs, in pixels.

The most recent remembrance of my dreams happened in chapel as I listened to a woman from Youth With A Mission (YWAM) . She has been doing a series here at school this week, and tonight was focused on sex trafficking. I got angry. Not just at those who exploit those forced into prostitution, but also at myself. Why aren't you doing something? was the question I kept asking. Towards the end of the message the question had changed to what can you do? My response was something to the effect of "not much, I'm only a ministry student". But so where the disciples when Jesus sent them out to change the world, in fact I think they were younger than me.

The idea of working with a group like YWAM ministering outside of the United States actually make my heart beat faster. I don't know what kind of seeds are being planted in me right now, but I can look back on the last two and a half years of my life to see that much preparation has been giving to preparing my heart for them.

More to come

1 comment:

  1. 1. you should show me some of your poetry! I'll show you some of mine!
    2. Get some sleep and dont live off amps.
    3. I'm really glad the Social Justice Conference planted a seed in your heart and made it beat faster. With that, continue to seek the LORD for more direction. Maybe a DTS would be good for you!
    4. You're great
